Emily Clough
Emily R. Clough studies comparative politics and the political economy of development. Her research and teaching focus on democracy and democratic erosion, state capacity, civil society, public service delivery, and the ethics and politics of global philanthropy. Her current book project examines the impact of NGOs on state service provision in India, focusing especially on the education sector. Other current research projects investigate democratic resilience in India, effective philanthropy, and child labor law. She has also published articles on the intellectual history of the civil society concept and its relevance to empirical studies of development, and on the politics of Fair Trade. Clough teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on comparative politics, democratic erosion, globalization, the politics of India, and global philanthropy. Before Northeastern, she held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and spent one year as Visiting Assistant Instructor in Government and Asian Studies at Bowdoin College. She holds a PhD from Harvard University and a BA from Swarthmore College. Prior to graduate school, she spent five years working in the non-profit and social enterprise sectors in the fields of international development, Fair Trade, and conflict resolution.