A few weeks ago, I received the letter pictured above from Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán in my mailbox. “Dear citizen! I write to you today because Hungary has a parliamentary election next …
Ballot Drop Boxes: Harbinger of Doom or Torch of Democracy?
Partisan rancor over voting methods threatens the American public’s trust in the legitimacy of elections. Ballot drop boxes, a campaign issue in Georgia's Republican primary elections for the position …
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What’s the Deal with Gerrymandering?
What is it? Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing the boundary of an electoral district strategically so that it benefits one political party over another. Gerrymandering was coined after …
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Unpacking Redistricting: Are Majority-Minority Districts Really What They’re Cracked up To Be?
Recently, I attended a hearing held by the Massachusetts legislature’s Special Joint Committee on Redistricting where the newly drawn legislative districts were unveiled. Massachusetts, the birthplace …
Australian Threat of Democratic Decline
The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901 and is made up of the six colonies that were created on the continent. The commonwealth is considered a Constitutional Monarchy with Queen …
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#VotoApruebo: How National Referenda Are Saving Chile’s Democracy
On October 25th, 2020, millions of Chileans at home and abroad voted overwhelmingly in favor of scrapping the 1980 Constitution. Furthermore, the populous voted in favor of establishing a …
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What Happens When the President of the United States Shows His True Authoritarian and Populist Leanings?
The world is ending. This is the thought that went through the minds of many Americans this past summer. It was a tumultuous period, filled with civil unrest, uncertainty about public health, and …
The Failures of First Past the Post and Why Ranked Choice Voting is Not Necessarily Better
One of the more recent trends of modern politics has been calling to have the First Past the Post (FPTP) electoral system abolished. If you happened to see my previous blog post, (thank you for …