How It All Started In the latter part of 2001, The United States went into Afghanistan to overtake the Taliban government in attempts to go after Al-Qaeda after the September 11th attacks . This is …
Pernicious Polarization and Disappearing Centers– The Subsequent Democratic Backsliding Impact in Turkey
By Maya Ramirez Turkey these days, in particular, is one of the most socially and politically polarized societies in the world. The secular versus the religious conservatives being the most …
Donald Trump’s Negative Example is Trending with Jair Bolsonaro by Austin Anderson
Denouncing reporter's statements as “fake news”, moving the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, pulling out of the Paris Accords, a political battle against Venezuela’s president Nicolas …
Is Argentina on a Democratic Upswing or Deceptive Stagnation Previously Established by the Kirchner Administration? by Samantha Moan @ University of California, Los Angeles
President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner followed in the footsteps of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, bringing in a new leftist wave of populism to Argentina. Kirchner’s efforts to censor the media, degrade …
“Populism more Susceptible and Detrimental in Asia: Is Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s Leading India into Democratic Decline?” by “Se Bin Kim” @ “University of California, Los Angeles”
The rise of populist leaders in the United States and Europe has reshaped the political scene all around the world. From seeking political hegemony and challenging elites, populists derive …