On April 19, 2024, citizens of India, the world’s largest democracy, will start to participate in the Lok Sabha elections. The Lok Sabha is the lower of the two houses that make up India’s …
Is Thailand a Democracy? Its 2023 Election Suggest Not
Despite not winning Thailand’s most recent election in May 2023, Srettha Thavisin of the Pheu Thai Party (PTP) became the nation’s prime minister in August. How could someone lose at the ballot box …
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Singapore’s Contradiction of Modernization Theory
In 1959, Lipset posited that the modernization of a country is conducive to democratization. Lipset understood modernization to include development in industrialization, urbanization, wealth and …
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The Shanghai Epidemic: Internet Censorship in Authoritarian Governance and Proliferated Rumors Had Resulted in Misinformation and Suppressed Civil Liberty
This spring, with the cancellation of pandemic restrictions in most parts of the world, China became the last large country to maintain the zero tolerance to COVID-19. Its “Dynamic Zeroing Out” policy …
Election Reform in Japan: Change on the Horizon
Representation disparities have long been in an issue in Japan with increased urban migration and government that has yet to evolve with its population. In the coming months, Japan could be witnessing …
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In The Philippines: Real Election Undermined by False Tales
The election of Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr, son of the previously ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. on May 9th poses a great threat to democracy and illustrates the effects and loss of a …
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Singapore’s Fake News Law: For or Against Democracy?
On October 2, 2019, Singapore’s fake news law came into effect amidst much controversy. Against a backdrop of growing viral misinformation around the world, the country’s government authorities have …
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Stealth Authoritarianism in China, and What it Means for the Rest of the World
In 1982 term limits were imposed on the office of the President of China. They were created by Deng Xiaoping (then president of China) to prevent another Mao-style autocrat from coming …