“Bagong Pilipinas, Bagong Mukha!”, (trans: New Philippines, New Face) the battle cry of the 2022 Marcos-Duterte campaign jingle echoed throughout the nation as the resurging Marcoses and the …
All the Web’s a Stage: New Media, Micro-Celebrities, and Fake News in the Philippines
“Celebrity” in Philippine politics can manifest in more ways than one. Most notoriously, celebrity makes itself evident when film and television stars participate in politics as candidates during …
Planting Roots in Shifting Sands: Weak Parties and the Quest for Democratic Consolidation in the Philippines
No other comparison on Philippine politicians is as aesthetically pleasing as being called “butterflies”. This is not to say they are graceful or resilient, but rather that they switch parties as …
How the South China Sea Dispute Jeopardizes Philippine Democracy
China is flexing its military muscles like never before. As things stand, there seems to be no end in sight to tensions in the South China Sea. In early March, Chinese vessels collided with a …
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Democratic Erosion: Threats in the Philippine Democracy
Democratic Erosion (also known as Democratic Backsliding) is an unsettlingly prevalent phenomenon in which competitive elections are undermined, individuals lose the right to mobilize or voice …
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The Duterte Way And His Legacy on Philippine Democracy
Rodrigo Duterte’s presidential candidacy in the Philippines’ 2016 elections was a breath of fresh air for a majority of Filipinos. In a society of frustrated poor and ordinary citizens where the adage …
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People Power Fatigue: How Past Revolutions’ Rise (And Fall) Led to Democratic Erosion in the Philippines
Photo taken by Joey de Vera from People Power: The Philippine Revolution of 1986: An eyewitness history, among other historical books. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=352007 Fatigue has …
Revisionism in Social Media and Philippine Democracy
In the digital age, social media has expanded from being a site showcasing lifestyles and personalities, linking and building connections between people, and a form of social entertainment to a …
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