For many years, Poland was regarded as the leading pro-democracy nation within Eastern Europe. Its seamless transition from communism was an example for other countries to follow. It soon became the …
Violence, Corruption, Repression and Lack of Transparency Make for Democratic Erosion – By Agustin Arreola @ University of California Los Angeles
One of the main reasons why democracy in some countries have failed or reverted to authoritarian regimes is due to corruption and violence. This happens to be the most serious problem faced …
Why Hungary is democracy’s biggest threat
The greatest threat to Western democracy is the veiled autocratic regime of Hungary. It has survived a decade of diminishing citizen and judiciary rights, and has still been able to gain …
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Genocide in Myanmar: Democratic Erosion or Democratic Illusion? by Katrina Webb @ University of California, Los Angeles
When Myanmar began its transition to democracy in 2010, it signaled a new hope for democracy in the developing world. Once thought impossible, the release of long-time opposition leader Aung San Suu …
The Tyranny of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan by Jeremy Figueroa @ University of California, Los Angeles
This past October, the Liberal Democratic Party secured a definite majority in the Japanese Diet’s House of Representatives. This should come as no surprise, as the party also won the majority of the …
Democratic Erosion in Venezuela
Venezuela, a country rich in resources is tethering on collapse. Social and political institutions have disintegrated, taking with it the economy. A number of reasons can help explain the situation in …
Is Mexico Next to Succumb to Democratic Erosion? by Donyea Grayson @University of California Los Angeles
Mexico's presidential election is right around the corner. July 1st, 2018 is when general elections take place and this could completely change the future of Mexico and its many citizens. At …
Democratic Ethio-rosion
From the beginning of democratization in Ethiopia until present, the government has experienced viable democratic erosion simply by displaying a weak commitment to democratic rules of the game. Within …