The democratic gem, the United States, is undergoing extensive backsliding due in part to gerrymandering. Gerrymandering by definition means to divide - to divide a state into districts as to unfairly …
To the Viktor go the Spoils: Orbán’s Campaign Against Democracy by Judson Elsholz @ Georgia State University
Hungary has become a threat to democracy in Europe. Under the rule of Viktor Orbán, Hungary slid from a somewhat stable democracy to what can now be considered a full-blown authoritarian regime. …
When America Forgets Itself: How the GOP is Destroying Traditional Democratic Norms by Trey Robinson @ Georgia State University
Much of what the media addresses surrounding the Trump administration is over possible misconduct that is neither actually proven, nor serious enough to force any true backlash against them. This …
THE OLD GODS ARE DEAD: Rampant Corruption within Greece’s Failing Democracy by Ian Fowler @ GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY
The first democracy was born during the 6th century in Athens, Greece, now almost 1,500 years later this democracy is dying. Greece is currently struggling to maintain the traditions it helped found …
“Mark My Words: How Trump and Chavez Appeal to the Proletariat” by Kennedy Inman @ Georgia State University
Trump. A name that is synonymous with orange skin, red hats, and many opinions, especially on military parades and immigration. Chávez. A lesser known name when he began, yet became the leader of …