There has been much talk about impeaching President Trump. Some in the Democratic Party are calling for impeachment, others are cautioning against using impeachment as a political weapon. The …
President Trump and Authoritarian Bullshit: An Analysis–by Chase Dunn @ American University
Professor Harry Frankfurt begins his classic essay, “On Bullshit,” with an acute observation: our culture is filled with a fair amount of bullshit. We all contribute a little, and we all believe we …
How President Trump Lies and Fires His Way Towards Authoritarianism by Dominique Kren @American University
On March 23, CNN Politics released an article titled “This White House Just Keeps Not Telling the Truth Over and Over and Over Again”, a sentiment which has been repeated across news outlets since the …
A Well Regulated Resistance by Jake Farris @ American University
#ThoughtsAndPrayers We see this phrase trod out after every mass shooting in America, but little has been done to galvanize citizenry, let alone the legislature, to make impactful changes to gun …
Continue Reading about A Well Regulated Resistance by Jake Farris @ American University →
Repeated State of Emergency Declaration (SOE) in Ethiopia, a Risk of a Slide to a Closed Autocracy by Soli Gebremichael @American University
Befekadu Hailu, a renowned blogger; was taken from his house by civilian clothed security forces on November 11th, 2016 morning. He spent the followed 33 days in a detention camp, being forced of …
Decline of Democracy Via Term Limits in Africa: Why the Support and Maintenance is Critical by Andre’ James Thomas @ American University
Term limits and mainly their removal has been widely sought after in African politics. From 1990-2009, twenty-four presidents of varying countries attempted a constitutional amendment and twelve …
Threats to Nigerian Democracy: The Discussion on the Resource Curse by Andre’ James Thomas @ American University
Nigeria, when one eyeballs the data, should be an African Powerhouse and maybe even poster example for the possibilities of the eradication of poverty, health issues, literacy rates and a weak …
At Centennial of Belarusian Independence, Authoritarianism Remains Strong in Minsk By Victoria Hill @ American University
March 25th marked the 100th anniversary of Belarusian People’s Republic. It was a short-lived political entity, only in existence from 1918 to 1919, though a government-in-exile still remains. For …