The government in Mauritania, while in theory a presidential republic, is, in reality, not even close to being democratic. In fact, Mauritania is listed as an authoritarian regime by the Economist …
March for Our Lives has the Hallmarks of a Successful Protest, by: Izzi Bertolozzi @ Skidmore College
On Saturday, March 24th I attended the March for Our Lives in Albany, NY. Since the election in 2016 there seem to be more marches than usual, whether they be for science, women or equality. There was …
Is He for Gun Control or for Gun Rights? Losing Faith in Changing Opinions by Isabelle Bertolozzi @ Skidmore College
438. Since January of 2014, 438 people have been shot in a school shooting. 138 of those people died. That number does not even include the 20 first graders and six adults that were killed at Sandy …
Free and Fixed Elections? by Isabelle Bertolozzi @ Skidmore College
Bright Line Watch is an organization that, according to their website, “brings together a group of political scientists to monitor democratic practices, their resilience, and potential threats.” The …
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